Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

At the University of South Alabama, the ethical treatment of animals is integral to our research, education, and service missions. Our community is committed to ensuring that all animals are used and cared for in a humane and ethical manner. If you see or hear about any mistreatment or inappropriate care of animals at the University, please report the issue immediately so that corrective measures can be taken. You can direct your concerns to any of the following contacts, depending on your preference:

  • Jon Audia, Ph.D., Chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
    (251) 460-6929. Email
  • Ms. Danielle Miller, IACUC/IBC Administrator
    (251) 341-4913. Email
  • Ms. Dusty Layton, MPA, Executive Director, Research Compliance Assurance
    (251) 460-6625. Email
  • Michele Schuler, DVM, Ph.D., Director, University Biological Resources
    (251) 460-6239. After Hours: (251) 654-1102. Email
  • Matthew Reichert, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Development and Learning
    (251) 460-6333. E-mail

Although it is preferred that those reporting problems identify themselves, it is not necessary. Anonymous reports will also be investigated.

You can report any suspected offenses of fraud, theft, waste, abuse or violations of University policies and/ or State or Federal laws via the University of South Alabama Whistleblower Hotline (1-844-666-3599) which is hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint.

All reports of potential animal welfare concerns are investigated by the IACUC.

As per the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition, the concerned/reporting party is protected from discrimination and reprisals.

Originally approved by the University of South Alabama Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, April 18, 2002.

Rev. Summer 2024